Interview with Duncan Cryle and Karen McAllister on integrating mindfulness into our daily lives

Duncan Cryle is Senior Director at a global software company with over 25000 employees where he also leads a company-wide mindfulness program. He was previously one of the pioneers of IBM’s mindfulness community. He is founding member of Clear Sky Center in British Columbia, Canada, and is co-executive director there, under the guidance of head teachers Qapel and Sensei. He co-teaches Clear Sky’s Integrating Mindfulness and 3 month residential mindfulness-in-action program.

Karen McAllister is founder of the Mindful Money coaching and is passionate about building the bridge between spirituality and money. She believes that our current relationship with money reflects a spiritual crisis in the human race. She is a founding member of Clear Sky Meditation Center in British Columbia, Canada. She has been Director of Fund Development since 2008 & Board Chair from 2014 to present. She studies with head teachers Qapel and Senseico-teaches Clear Sky’s Integrating Mindfulness and serves the community in helping them clean up their relationship with money.

In our conversation we discuss the following:

  • What is mindfulness and how people can apply it to their lives
  • What are common challenges to integrating mindfulness into our daily busy and chaotic life
  • Duncan and Karen’s personal and profession journey of integrating mindfulness into their daily lives
  • What is Clear Sky Center
  • Duncan’s role in in his software company and how he teaches mindfulness to other employees at his company
  • Karen’s work as a mindful money coach
  • What is a mindful approach to money and finances
  • Why it is important to bring awareness and healing into our relationship with money

For more information, see You can contact Duncan Cryle at, or Karen McAllister at or visit her website at

Dr. Mandy Simon interviews Dr. Matthew Welsh on managing uncertainty and trauma responses

This post was originally posted on by Jeanne White, Station Manager Passionate World Talk Radio.

Finding Your Holy Grail helps people navigate the post-pandemic reality we now find ourselves in.

In this episode, the show’s host, Dr. Mandy Simon, interviews Dr. Matthew Welsh, a clinical psychologist who supports patients to overcome anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance misuse, and relationship issues.

They talk about the importance of managing uncertainty by maintaining a sense of control over your values. Right now, across the planet, people are experiencing great uncertainty in their lives. Whether it is waiting for results from a COVID test, or losing their jobs, or having to isolate themselves in quarantine. This is creating trauma responses – bringing up some of our core fears and challenging some of our fundamental needs.

Dr. Welsh explains the importance of recognizing that you always have some control over how you respond to unforeseen circumstances. As human beings, we are creative dreamers. By tapping into our core values we can all draw on our personal sovereignty to build resilience.

A powerful way to overcome stress is to understand your core motivators and act on them. So be tolerant, manage your blood pressure with guided relaxation techniques, and regain control by lowering your stress response.

The Show’s Call to Action is to be aware, recognize your values, and take meaningful action.

  • Awareness – having an acceptance of the situation and what is happening to you.
  • Evaluate – your core beliefs within this context and recognize the power of your own sovereignty.
  • Identify – meaningful actions that you can take based on your values to move forward authentically.

Dr. Matthew Welsh works as a clinical psychologist with the Veterans Association. He also hosts the Spiritual Media Blog and is a life coach supporting people to live their best life. If you are inspired by this show you can contact Dr. Welsh at

Click here to access the Finding Your Holy Grail Companion Workbook with this week’s guest page! 

 The weekly journals are very helpful, so I hope you are taking the opportunity to download these Journals from each Guest.  It will help you in so many ways. 

To listen to this audio: Click here to listen…

If you prefer to watch the interview:   Click here to play video…

For more information for Dr. Mandy Simon – The Website
To contact Dr. Mandy Simon Via  – Email

I would appreciate it if you could please share this Post. There may be some individuals seeking more information on self-care and mindfulness during this pandemic we are all in. There is a wealth of information on this interview. Honestly, you really just never know who you will be helping until you share so, please share

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“Please be safe in this unsettling time for all of us.”  


Make it a Brilliant Day

Jeanne White
Station Manager
Passionate World Talk Radio

How to follow your calling

By Dr. Matthew Welsh, J.D., Ph.D.

There are a lot of self-help authors who will tell you to follow your passion. I’m a believer in this philosophy and think it can be helpful. However, I believe that following your *calling* is different than following your passion. And, I would argue that following your calling is more important than following your passion.

Essentially, following your passion is doing the activities that bring enthusiasm and joy into your life and you are passionate about. Alternatively, following a calling is doing the activities or making decisions that bring you an inner knowing that this activity or decision is the right thing to do. Or, a calling may be following your heart. Sometimes following your passion and following your calling overlap, but other times they do not overlap. For example, if someone loves to write and they also know in their heart or have an inner knowing that writing is the right activity for them to do, then their passion and calling overlap.

However, sometimes following your calling does not overlap with following your passion. A good example of this is the fictitious character George Baily (played by James Stewart), in the timeless movie It’s a Wonderful Life. In this movie, George’s calling does not overlap with his passion. George’s passion is to travel the world. The movie starts with George graduating from high school with dreams of traveling the world. However, three months later the board of directors at the Building and Loan (George’s father’s company) tell George that the Building and Loan company will only stay open if George agrees to work for them and carry on his father’s work. George decides then not to take a trip to Europe in order to work for them. He also uses the funds that he had saved to go to college to give to his brother so his brother could go to college. George continues to work for this company because he believed it was the right thing to do for his family and likely an inner calling or knowing he had. Four years later, George uses money he had initially saved in order to take his wife on honeymoon to New York and Bermuda to instead keep the Building and Loan company solvent and prevent investors from taking all of their money out the bank.

In this case, George was following his calling because he was doing in his heart what he believed was the right thing to do by working for the Building and Loan company even though his passion was to travel. However, I must admit this is a hard scene for me to watch in the movie and I found myself even questioning George’s decision. He was foregoing his personal passion in order to follow a deeper calling inside of him to do what was for the best and highest good. This is another distinction of a calling. Usually a calling comes with a knowing that our decision is working on behalf of the best and highest good. This is not always easy to recognize, but usually we have an inner knowing or a peace that passes understanding of what decision is for the best and highest good. Following our calling in life does not always result in following a passion, having more ease or joy or enthusiasm in life.

However, the benefits of following a calling are that we know we are doing the right thing; and even if it is not easy, following an inner calling usually comes with experiencing an inner peace that passes understanding or internal satisfaction. If we listen closely, then we will know what our callings or inner knowings or heart is telling us to do and the benefits wiil be an internal satisfaction that we are doing the right thing with our life, working towards the best and highest good, and an internal an ineffable experience of contentment. This feeling of internal satisfaction is always available to us when we are following our calling if we can choose to trust in our self or Spirit that we will not be led astray.

How to become your authentic self

The following article is written by Dr. Mandy Simon about her interview she did with me as part of her Holy Grail Master Class Online Series.

By Dr. Mandy Simon
Creator of Your Holy Grail Master Class Online Series

How do I help people to become their authentic selves? Dr. Matthew Welsh had always been drawn to human potential. But it took a period of sustained hardship, before he came to focus on his true calling.

Dr. Matthew Welsh works as a clinical psychologist with the Veterans Association, supporting patients to overcome anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance misuse and relationship issues. You’ll love this interview if you believe that power comes from a state of service.

We talk about the beneficial effects of slow, controlled breathing; and Dr. Matthew Welsh shares practical techniques to help manage anxiety.

This interview reminded me that we are never alone; and it also prompted me to reflect upon the relationship between human health and planetary health. Dr. Welsh spoke with a degree of authenticity and grace, which I found inspiring. I hope you find his words to be as meaningful as I did.

You can watch the video of interview below….